Monday, 21 September 2015

Happiness Habits for Older People

Happiness Habits for Older People

I really love this title but it also provides food for thought as it challenges us to think about and take action in relation to the people, activities and ideas which contribute to our happiness.  Happiness takes a little effort.

An organisation called ‘Outside the Box’ worked with groups of older people to discuss their mental health and well-being as part of a project called Wisdom in Practice.  The discussions came up with a range of really positive ideas taking into account that no one approach for all of us.  The essence of their ideas was to include:

  • Learn new things
  • Keep doing the things you have always enjoy
  • Let music be a food in life
  • Be happy with who you are
  • Be confident in the contribution you make
  • Keep in touch with friends and family
  • Don’t be afraid to talk about how you feel
  • Enjoy the fresh air
  • Care for others

I am sure many other ideas can be added to the list and we all need to work on our ‘habits of happiness’ to sustain our spirits.

Maureen O’Neill
September 2015

Monday, 7 September 2015

Faith in Action

Faith in Action

Faith in Older People frequently highlights the often unsung contribution made by the churches to those who are vulnerable in our society.  I recently attended the Annual Gathering of the Church of Scotland Guild in Dundee and this was really brought home to me.

Two thousand women and men (what was the Women’s Guild is now the Guild and is inclusive of men) met to celebrate their activities and to hear about the work that is being undertaken across Scotland.  Those present represent a membership of 23,000 who take an active interest in their local communities but are also outward looking to the needs of those who are disadvantaged both in Scotland and overseas.  For the past three years, six projects have been supported for which Guild Members raised £775,000.  Over the past four decades a remarkable £6million has been raised but it is not just about the money.

We talk about ‘assets based approaches’ and ‘co-production’ and these predominantly older members of our communities have shown their commitment with decisiveness and humour and their efforts should be appreciated and applauded for working together and taking action.  Without them we would be so much poorer in spirit and in practice.

Maureen O’Neill
7th September 2015